Monday, August 4, 2008


The Learning 2.0 lesson plan, or the-thing-that-must-be-obeyed has told me that I have to write a post about anything technology related that interests me this week.

Well, the thing I'm currently interested in is my new mp3 player. Now, I know that this technology is soooo last year (hang on, I can't even remember if they were out before that? hmmm.... oh well) but the point is, I only got one about a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why, I mean, it would be handy, but I just never got around to it, or I had other things I could've used if I wanted to listen to music. But a couple of weeks ago, I bought a small 1GB Philips GoGear mp3 player at Harvey Normans for only $29. Sweet!! Now I'm busy setting up my playlists and loading it on.

1 comment:

Highland Lass said...

That's neat that you've got an mp3 player. I'm wondering whether I should get myself one.