Sunday, July 13, 2008

SSR (silent sustained reading)....err...I mean RSS (really simple syndication - not)

So here we are with lesson two.

Apparently this RSS thing is supposed to be the hardest one of the whole lot.

I've been hearing horror stories of people tearing their hair out with frustration about it, the link wouldn't work, or the webmarshall would block the sites and dozens of other little things that's making this RSS thing really hard.

I had to ask for help with this. Good thing she knew what she was on about, she was able to steer me in the right direction and I sort of got the hang of it. It was a bit hard with the computer playing up on you, it either wouldn't accept the sites I was trying to subscibe to (sorry access denied) or the whole page would suddenly come up in code (matrix anyone?).

Basically after an hour of fiddling with the computer's temper tantrums and in between customer service, I got as far as making a blogline account and signing up to the 10 mandatory feeds we were supposed to have (did I mentioned that the computer connection this morning was agonizingly slow? I swear, empires have risen and fallen in the time it took for the page to load up). And that was the only free time I had with the computer today, so I've decided to take this puppy home and see what I can come up with for the second part of this RSS feeds.

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