Monday, September 15, 2008

Library 2.0

Hmmm... so I've been reading the different points of views about library 2.0 and web 2.0 and where it could possibly take us.

I was reading the article about the 3 icebergs that are potentially hindering the library's progress towards library 2.0 and web 2.0. One of these icebergs that author discusses is the "just in case collection". According to him, this is "a comprehensive collection of materials that anticipates the user’s every need (without providing wastefully where no need exists) has always been problematic". Though I can see where he is coming from, as he works in a university and therefore has to cater for a wide range of subject, I just don't see public libraries decreasing their collection size because the book and articles may be available electronically. My observation is that public library users, though they may be aware that there could be an electronic version of the material they are looking for, still prefer to have the material physically at hand. Somehow I don't think we would be getting rid of, or decreasing our collection size in the future.

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