Monday, July 21, 2008


Well, I woke up extra early this morning to see if the computer would play nice with me and actually let me do some Web 2.0 stuff without dying on me. must love cold early mornings cause it worked! It is cold, it is pouring down with rain and in a few minutes, I have to go out and go to work.

The good new is, I got to play around and set up my LibraryThing.

And you know what? It is actually very fun to use! I wonder why I haven't used this before. Its pretty amazing and so easy to use. even gives you a virtual tour of the place if you don't know what its about. All you have to do is sign up (which everyone doing this web 2.0 exercise should be familiar with, seeing as we've been signing up left, right and centre since we started this!) and viola! you've got an account. After that, you just search for you fave book title or author, click and it is added to your library. It is even easier than searching for a book through Millennium!! (he he he!).

Well people, here's my link to my librarything:


Digger Chic said...

Hee hee ... viola! I don't have the time to do this stuff in the morning. You must get up early!

Wonder Woman said...

Getting up early for library thing? That's true dedication!
I'm impressed.

Natz2-D2 said...

We must get together and talk Star Wars sometime, young padawan. I can see you are strong with the Force.