Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Eye Candy

So, one of my friends gave me a pic of Keanu that she had done for one of the image generator thingy. But unfortunately, she’d saved it to another library’s hard drive and it did not load to her blog properly. By the time she found out about the mistake, she couldn’t find it on the desktop anymore, so she had to find a less interesting subject (I mean, you just can’t top the pic of Keanu…where else do you do from here but down?...as Newweb2 (a.k.a. webmum) and her friend catatonia (a.k.a. catatonic-chataholic) were saying when they were doing this exercise...playing around with the picture… “you just can’t improve on perfection itself!” (I’m going to have to agree on that one!). So here’s the pic of Keanu, given to me by webmum! Thanks!

Apparently, I’ve also missed writing about the search engines you can use to search for your favourite feeds. So I went back to week 2 and lo and behold! I did miss it! (oooppss!) So, I spent the next five minutes speed reading through the thing, decided couldn’t be really bothered and just started clicking away on the links. Now, syndic8 was blocked my Manukau (surprise surprise), so I licked..I mean clicked on the next one, which happened to be technorati. Meh…didn’t look that flash to me, but I did find one topic I liked, so fiddled around with it and found a site which I added to my rss feeds. This was the site by slashfilm.com. The bloggs there were very entertaining!! Well, at least I completed week 2’s exercise! :) Sweet.

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