Thursday, August 14, 2008

Social bookmarking

So I had a look at the thing that they were talking about. The concept sounded good on paper. I even clicked on the Social Bookmarking In Plain English. After watching that video, I'm intrigued enough to give it a try at home, because ofcourse, we cannot do this at work, cause we can't add the tag button to our browser.

Also had a look at the PLCMCL2 thing for the discovery excercise and found out that the most popular bookmarked site for today is "Build Better Pages With Firebug" . I love the opening line: Ask web developers to name their desert island Firefox extensions (ignoring for now the improbability of having a laptop while stranded), and they're bound to put Firebug at or near the top of their lists.

This tagging tool would be very useful specially if you are doing a lot of research. Or for anyone who bookmarks a lot of sites with similar topics, that way, when you need to look for that page again, you can just click on which tag you are after.

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